Wednesday, April 27, 2005

It Takes Toes ...


My left foot has started complaining about all this work it has been putting in when it is supposed to be on holiday. The joints of my big toe are quite painful and I am actually having to walk with a limp. It isn´t gout, it´s a softer pain than that but still, it threatens to mar these last few days of opportunity. The pain killers I have tried are not making any impact on it, Dominique´s universal ointment seems to help a little and I have been taking Elizabeth´s arthritis capsules all the while, but I don´t know what else to try, short of putting it in a sling! The sensible thing seems to be to put my feet up but I think my foot would actually have to fall off entirely to make me want to do that. I managed fine in my class this morning and actually noticed a lot of improvement. As it is the walking which is hardest, I may just have to give up on any last shopping or gallery trips, which is a shame as I have run out of clean clothes and feel like an injection of culture.


Anyway, quick update. After all that typing, my nap on Monday evening over-ran so I missed out on Lucy´s birthday milonga at Leonesa and went straight to the place Beatrice had recommended at Hotel Bauen on Callao. I arrived around midnight, and it was busy but not heaving. This was only its third week in operation but the hosts clearly know how to pull in a good crowd. This is the only milonga I have been to in a hotel, it is a lot like those tourist hotels around Russell Square and did make me wonder whether any of them has a decent ballroom. Would it be possible to set up a Bs As style milonga in London? Some market research required methinks.

The floor was lovely - big and wooden and no potholes that I fell into. Actually, I don´t know whether I have mentioned floor hazards before on the website but some of these places have dangers underfoot that do test your balance, especially if you are being led into some fancy bit of manoevering when you discover them. Happily I haven´t fallen over yet, though it doesn´t help my tense old shoulders if I know there is a pothole coming up. I danced as much as I wanted, even though it was a bit hard for me after an afternoon gazing at the screen to see well enough to catch the chaps´ eyes .

I danced a couple of nice sets with a Turkish chap who lives in Geneve and we chatted quite a bit in French about the tango scene in Europe. First and best is Paris, as Susan and Linda have been discovering lately. Next is Istanbul, which Linda knows a little too. Geneve is good too apparently but he had nothing to say about London.

I also danced a few with a lovely man called Charlie, who reminded me a bit of ballroom Robert for his enthusiasm and his singing. He spoke no English at all, which was good for me as we chatted quite successfully in Spanish. This is possible only when people ask the right questions and I get to sound reasonable with my standard answers but he was astonished I had only been speaking it these past three weeks. I know, these Argentine men are easy with the compliments - my beautiful eyes, my amazing dancing, my pretty face and for the more honest ones my nice accessories - so I do take them with a pinch of salt. Still the fact is, I am quite pleased to have picked up at least enough tof the language to get by.

It is fantastically irritating that I typed a whole load more than this yesterday but it was lost when something went funny with the blog site. I had only saved it up to here, so that serves me right. It is now Thursday and I am going to post this now then go to Club Español for an early dance.

The lessons have been going really well and I strongly recommend Carlos & Romina to anyone who is coming out here. God, I hope that somebody notices a difference when I get back to London!


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