Busy busy busy

Sorry, sorry! And thanks to people who have sent concerned enquiries - I am still alive but what with an influx of English ladies during October (Oh alright, they weren't THAT much trouble) and all sorts of work happening and not happening in the flat, blogging has not been at the top of my list of things to do. That and a suspicion that the last couple of entries were rather too detailed and I ought to be getting out more. I will get round to it, honest.
It is not just you I have been neglecting - yesterday I missed Club Espanol because I had been up a ladder all day scraping, so by five o'clock was filthy & knackered beyond any hope of looking like a chick in time. I'd probably have got there really late, been placed in a far corner and quietly gone to sleep there.
So this is just a holding post to say hello, all is well - if rather dusty and a little fraught - and as soon as I have my new kitchen installed I will sit down at the table and type a heavily abridged version of how it got there and other stories.
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