Cupolas Ahoy!
Here it is:
And here are some others - the place is smattered with them if you ony remember to look up in this city, they surprise and delight you in unexpected corners...
This is the one on Club Espanol, it is gold and has an angel on the top, sigh!:
These two face each other on Avenida de Mayo - the one on the right is loved and cared for, the one on the left rather neglected:
Just across the road is Palacio Barrolo, probably the zaniest building in town. The architect apparently studied Dante's version of heaven and hell and applied the numbers to this design, using the appropriate number of exits, entrances and levels. The cupola is extraordinary and enormous. Next door there is another fabulous building with two cupolas, one of which has been converted into a luxury flat which is available to rent (if you are rich and visiting), search for 'Mayo' on
Here is one a little out of town on Acoyte and Rosario:

And here is the Mummy of them all, the Congresso or Parliament building:

There is a gorgeous Rusian Orthodox church in San Telmo with a starry one but I do not yet have a picture of that. Aren't digital cameras a wonder!
pip pip!
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