Sheepish Hello
Erm, been busy is all!

With what and whom:
Go on, take a look!
I simply do not have the time to sit about writing about cockroaches! Happy to say in fact that I have not had any cockroaches to write about all this year. What I do have though is a lovely live-in boyfriend and a budding business with him and a great team of tango dancers. My big old living room is occasionally transformed into a tango studio or a meeting room. My spare bedroom occasionally has a small boy or 3 for the weekends. Not at all what I signed up for but I am not complaining.
Well, not today anyway.
Today finally there is warm sun after a miserable, long, cold winter that has broken all records.
I have Jan and Keith staying from London, which is lovely. Also in town are newleyweds Michael & Oswaldo, with whom we have already put away a fair old wodge of steak and Malbec. At the weekend we have a programme of Cabaret the musical and some actual cabaret for good measure.
Who says it's all tango tango, tango...?
Who says it's all tango tango, tango...?
Other highlights since - er blimey - June when I last wrote...

....Chris visited for a very short but lovely week and we packed a lot in; steaks, sightseeing, a bit of tango (not helped by Aerolineas Argentinas losing her luggage on the way out and cancelling her flight home)...

... Daddy also visited for 3 weeks (which is more like it if you are thinking of coming!) We had a really lovely time, despite unseasonal bad weather, and he got a lot of sleep away from his usual day to day worries. We went up to Iguazu Falls for a couple of days and were both absolutely blown away by the whole experience. I doubt it is possible to exaggerate how amazing it is.
Daddy also did this
amongst other things.
... Marisol & Alfredo also came over again, very busy getting stuff organised for their Windsor milonga...
...Eduardo & I danced in the Bs As and World tango championships but didn't get very far. Still it was fun.
Of course there is very much more but if I make my old mistake of trying to write about it all at once, I shall never even post this.
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