.... Lovely word that translates nicely as 'a quickie'...
I have had blogging on my mind lately but as you can see, not done much about it. I now have broadband - haleluyah! - and yes, have spent hours and hours skipping about the ether reading all sorts of things in other people's blogs. It is odd to think that people stumble upon and read mine in the same way - it is essentially a tool for keeping in touch with people I know. They sometimes send me messages, so I know it happens. Hey ho!
It is interesting skipping about and seeing what other people are doing with their blogs. Sometimes you just wonder, "who the hell is supposed to be reading this?" or indeed, "who the hell do you think you are to be writing this?" A lot of it is banal - and I hold my own hand up to that accusation - but strangely gripping. I suppose there is a touch of real life soap opera to it.
Anyway, blogging about blogs, how very self-absorbed!
So, the terrible, devastating news from Buenos Aires is that the best milonga in the world has been forced to close by evil money-grubbing landlords. I am gutted. Club Espanol was the most constant thing in my life here and it gave me SO much, I cannot begin to tell you how big a hole it is leaving in my life.
I was at the last one (naturally, have only missed about 3 since I've been here) and found out during my first dance that it was going to close. I could barely dance I was so shocked. The whole evening I was close to tears but I made sure I danced with all my favourite guys, though of course it was a shock to everyone so nobody was able to say where they would go in future. I hate to think I will never dance with some of them again. I hate to think I will never dance on that gorgeous big floor again, especially as the evening wore on and the crowds dispersed and you could glide about like angels.
Not sure I can write any more about it now, I am off to a party in a mo and don't want to arrive morose. I just pray that Julio who ran the milonga will be able to find another venue that has some magic in it. I was lucky enough to dance the last Cumparsita with him at Club Espanol, which was rather bittersweet.
Still, life goes on, eh? And I have a party to get to, so more another day.
R x
I have had blogging on my mind lately but as you can see, not done much about it. I now have broadband - haleluyah! - and yes, have spent hours and hours skipping about the ether reading all sorts of things in other people's blogs. It is odd to think that people stumble upon and read mine in the same way - it is essentially a tool for keeping in touch with people I know. They sometimes send me messages, so I know it happens. Hey ho!
It is interesting skipping about and seeing what other people are doing with their blogs. Sometimes you just wonder, "who the hell is supposed to be reading this?" or indeed, "who the hell do you think you are to be writing this?" A lot of it is banal - and I hold my own hand up to that accusation - but strangely gripping. I suppose there is a touch of real life soap opera to it.
Anyway, blogging about blogs, how very self-absorbed!
So, the terrible, devastating news from Buenos Aires is that the best milonga in the world has been forced to close by evil money-grubbing landlords. I am gutted. Club Espanol was the most constant thing in my life here and it gave me SO much, I cannot begin to tell you how big a hole it is leaving in my life.
I was at the last one (naturally, have only missed about 3 since I've been here) and found out during my first dance that it was going to close. I could barely dance I was so shocked. The whole evening I was close to tears but I made sure I danced with all my favourite guys, though of course it was a shock to everyone so nobody was able to say where they would go in future. I hate to think I will never dance with some of them again. I hate to think I will never dance on that gorgeous big floor again, especially as the evening wore on and the crowds dispersed and you could glide about like angels.
Not sure I can write any more about it now, I am off to a party in a mo and don't want to arrive morose. I just pray that Julio who ran the milonga will be able to find another venue that has some magic in it. I was lucky enough to dance the last Cumparsita with him at Club Espanol, which was rather bittersweet.
Still, life goes on, eh? And I have a party to get to, so more another day.
R x